Hello Everyone!  December 1st is our 47th Annual Convocation of:

"When the Sun Moves Northward"

18 Ceremonies of Transformation

"Humanity is at the Crossroads of our existence. 

We can go no further forward without a Change of Heart.

This annual sacred event is an invaluable piece of the human spiritual puzzle."

Join us for the great adventure - to ignite the fire of spirit in matter! By Phone or Skype

When the Sun Moves Northward is the ancient annual inner pilgrimage that is the spiritual reality outlined in the book WtSMN. The Spiritual Hierarchy created a group meditation series around this profound event that is like no other, bringing us directly into the awareness of the waking inner spiritual happenings of our times. The journey includes daily personal focus on your own through December and the New Year, to June 1st, plus 18 ceremonies together with the global group on the phone or Skype. 

These linked ceremonies show, in group soul unity, how to perceive what's really going on in the life of the soul. Revealing how to surrender fully to the ‘something more’ we've dreamt of forever, how to dive as deeply profoundly thoroughly as we can into our own heart, and how to merge into the Heart of All. This event is one of the greatest transformational influences and love-driven inspirations that Humanity has ever had made available to it.

Discover something indescribably meaningful -- the True Nature of Your Own Soul.

In group conscious meditation, entering together into the life of the soul, we will experience the great Presence that is the Hall of Learning, the eternal temple upon the ethereal planes that has existed for the learning of love for the spirits of men and woman since the beginning of time, and will continue to serve there for all time. The ceremonies of the six sacred months taking place in that sacred space will be guided for us by the esoteric author Mabel Collins, by Steve, and others. 

Memorable art and commentary will be created within the meditations, for use as talismans afterwards for increasing depth perception and synthesis.

Our commitment to you is for 18 amazing live meditations.
Recorded & available later with Art & Sagery.

In the late 1800's this special disciple of the Ageless Wisdom, Mabel Collins, was invited by her teacher, the Master Hilarion, a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy, to consciously journey the Ceremonies of the Birth of Consciousness into Divine Love within this usually invisible esoteric school of love. She recorded the ceremonies and litanies witnessed in the Hall of Learning in the book ‘When The Sun Moves Northward’. These happenings, repeated annually in the ethereal world, are experienced by the awakening disciples of Earth who are becoming conscious of the real reasons for strife, challenge, difficulty, suffering, illusion, and the journey to Freedom, Love, and Brotherhood. 

Mabel Collin’s inner experience culminated in the ‘Chapel of Light’, a sacred place within the Hall of Learning. There she, as do all souls when spiritually strong enough, saw the walls lined in brilliant ‘living jewels’ transform and flash forth the affirmations and litanies that are the rules of the road for the next leg of our great journey of life upon the endless path.

Where the visible and Invisible meet in subjective meditation,
There we will be together.

So profoundly moved by this seeing, and by the courage of the true seekers, she was given permission by the Masters to write down for the first time upon earth what had been hitherto hidden. In 'When the Sun Moves Northward' she outlined the entire group of ceremonies and litanies that awaken and transform, and provide the basis for the most sensitive and caring amongst us to bring a human presence to these great sacred Rites. This enables the human personality to join its own soul in taking part in this annual pilgrimage of love.

Beginning at midnight on the start of December 1st, and continuing through to the dawn of New Year’s Day, the first 8 ceremonies bring us from the brink of our own disastrous sense of lostness, as individuals and as a race, toward the beckoning Light of Love. They provide the immediate liberation from this pain, and magnetize us straight into the Group Heart, and the Group Soul. We meet remarkable Beings that we merge with, and recognize that we are an external part of. As each reminder of our imprisonment in form unfolds across the days and weeks, the radical love demonstrated in the individual soul, the group of meditators, aided by the Christ, Buddha, the Divine Mother, and other Great Ones, continuously dissolves our separateness into fluid synthesis, rightness, unity and divine Purpose as souls of love.

We come to more greatly know why we are here, what we are here to do,
And step forth in responsibility with refreshed spirits
And united commitment in our soul-infused hearts.

It is dramatic, subtle, awe-inspiring, humbling, and precious beyond words. 

Those who have joined these ceremonies before have left their footprints for those who are new. The Facebook group page, When the Sun Moves Northward, has 4 years of testimonials, sagery, and living artistic impressions that function as talismans to this day, potent, alive, and infused with grace. Stop by there, ask to become a member of the closed group, because we build our community there, post messages and insights, and more art and sagery to enhance this year’s journey. Refresh your memory of last year, or gaze into a drawing for the first time, take a whiff of something rare, let it draw you into the subtle dimensions where you can feel the nature of things built of Love. Sense awhile your own magnificent soul and see through its eyes the great kingdom in which it lives, sustaining our daily human existence.

If appropriately moved, sign up for this year’s pilgrimage, opt-in, make your donation, mark your calendars, and download your free e-book if you need one. (See below.)

Read up To the first litany a few times over the days leading up to midnight the start of December 1st. Then merge into the heart of the experience by meditating for the first time with the First Litany at midnight as it becomes December 1st – repeat it several times, aloud or silently, and dive deep into what's there. 

Next, read the litany and ponder and meditate a bit again at dawn, or upon waking each morning, which you will do each night and morning throughout the month of December if you so desire. 

Finally, join us on the phone at 12:00am Eastern time as November 30th becomes December 1st.

The group soul consciousness in the meditation and in the guided observations of what is present to your inner consciousness will profoundly move you.

Each meditation is a conversation In consciousness, 
With silence, mantra, litany, perspective, and of course merging in Love.

The sum total of our union is a powerful one, and will deliver potent responses to your nervous system, chakras, mind, and heart. This is not frivolous or superficial, it is deep, profound, and everyone will agree that it is dynamic, transformational, healing to the core of ourselves, and to our planet. The sense of group presence that emerges here can change everything. This is what many of us incarnated to demonstrate – Group Life – in the consciousness of love, the Next Step for Humanity, while meeting and thriving in the Invisible. And it brings great changes in material life and health as well.

While the root of all the philosophies and religions of all time attempt union,

this real experience of Ordinary Soul Life transcends all thought forms created by man. 

There is a continuation of the book and ceremonies out into the new year, all the way through to when the sun ends its journey northward in June. These later events allow for deeper pondering and integration of December’s thrust. Though we only meet a few times, the thread is kept, and the depth profound. 

Those who have done this for many years with us look forward to see the deepening of the consciousness that has grown as year-by-year we move ever closer to our spiritual unity with the awakening soul of love that we all are a part of. This is a work of Ages. However far you pass upon the mysteries of this experience each year, you will progress further and further until finally the jewels will be personally transformed for you.

To aid our investigation there is the possibility of mentoring,
 private or group, with Dan or Steve or both.

Again, take the time to ponder if the moment has come for you to explore the deepest inner workings of the heart. For some it will take everything you've got. For a few of us, we wouldn't have it any other way. For all of us, it is a time of beyond-phenomenal reflection, learning, healing, and waking up. These ceremonies bring us forth, they open us. The mystical presences delight profoundly in the fact that human beings are attending these happenings, and it will be obvious to you from the first page of the book, and the first moments of our meeting on the phone.

Once you join the Facebook Group “When the Sun Moves Northward”, initiatory posts will provide the call-in number and code, the replays, and links to the free e-book.

Personal progress is Group Progress, or it isn’t progress at all.

The next step for Humanity is huge, Inclusive, and involves the Soul.

LoveIsmorethanOne is a free/donation-based group Soul meditation fellowship. However, for special projects like this we ask for a bit more. When the Sun Moves Northward is 18 60-120 minute meditations. For this we request $250 advance, or $20 per session. If you have a financial challenge that makes this difficult for you at this moment we will work something out with you. We do not want you to miss this experience if you have a desire for it.

We'd love to have you join us. If you need more clarity, ask the person who's mailing list this came to you through for any advice you may need to drop in. They know something, and think you'll do fine. Or contact Steve. 

For questions, mentoring, or specifics email:

Steve at hinkey@mac.com 

Thank you.

All the greatest! 


Reminder: All meditations are recorded and will be available after the meditations for those who have participated. A code to listen will be sent to you following the session.

Sun Moves Northward-Full Series -- $250

Sun Moves Northward-Single Session -- $20

Thank you for joining in perhaps the most important experience you will have this year.

The Litanies are recommended to read at each midnight and again at dawn.  Stay with the each litany night and morning, repeating each as a meditation 2x a day, until the next one, then read the next portion of the chapter to the next litany.

Join us live December 1st at 12am Eastern.  The dates for group meditation are as follows:

United States

December 1

December 5

December 7

December 11

December 15

December 21

December 25

January 1

February 1

February 10

February 19

March 21

March 28

March 29

March 30

March 31

May 1

June 1

We're excited to have you all join us.